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Field Current Sensor


Allegro Microsystem’s field sensor evaluation board has three current sensors ACS37610 (S-Notch), ACS37610 (Straight Notch), ACS70310 are populated. It also has a bus bar which has the capability to carry 400 A. It has an onboard LDO which can step down voltage from 12 to 5 V to power the sensors.

Board features:
  • High operating bandwidth: DC to 240 kHz (ACS70310),
  • Sensitivity ±1% (typical)
  • Very fast response time (<2 μs typical)
  • Wide sensing range (3 to 28 mV/G – ACS37610)
  • Wide selectable sensitivity range between 0.5 and 11.5 mV/G (ACS70310)
  • High operating bandwidth: DC to 250 kHz (ACS37610)
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  1. Power supply which can source DC current up to 400A,
  2. Relay contactors to switch the direction of current,
  3. Thermal camera sensor to monitor the busbar temperature,
  4. Oscilloscope to log the current sensor data,
  5. Certified shunt with 0.25% tolerance for reference scale.


  1. Monitor the current sensor’s performance against the reference across different panes of the LiveBench.
  2. Examine the hysteresis in the core based sensor (ACS70310) 
  3. Analyze the consistency of the sensor output for repeated readings.
  4. Observe the effect of crosstalk on the sensor performance (ACS37610) with straight and S notch, and evaluate the sensitivity of the current sensors.
  5. Obtain the transient response of the current sensors.
  6. Visualize the thermal profile of the busbar near the notch.

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As the Director of Marketing at TenXer Labs, Priyanka spearheads strategic initiatives to position the company as a leader in the semiconductor industry. Leveraging her extensive experience over 10 years, she crafts compelling narratives that highlight TenXer Labs’ solutions, fostering brand awareness and driving business growth.

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